When you write a comment on this site

Last updated on June 7th, 2020

I love it when you comment and I'm asking you to use the following safeguards.

Be anonymous

If you're writing about your child, please use a false name for yourself AND for anyone you mention. Please change any details that might make it possible to identify your child, for the sake of their privacy.

If you're commenting as a clinician with expertise on a subject, it might be helpful if you mention it and use your real name.

Leave out any triggering details

Don’t write any details of your child’s food intake or weight: this could be used as misinformation by someone with an eating disorder and tragically make them worse.

Don't post here if you're suffering from an eating disorder: get real help

If you are suffering from an eating disorder, I’m asking you NOT  to post and NOT to get in touch.  Instead I ask you to speak to a trusted person, professional or helpline. And of course do direct those who love you to these pages.  I have a huge concern for your wellbeing, and this site cannot  give you the empathic, consistent, practical and competent support you need.  If you post here or email me, I will delete your message, even though I'll feel absolutely rotten about it. Please take my silence as a sign of how much I want you to get real life help.

I may check your comments before they appear

Your comments should appear right away. In the unlikely event they don't, it may be because of my spam-catcher. Email me as I can fix that.

I hope you can see the sense of these parameters, and I very much look forward to your comments.