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Centros educativos, así se detecta un trastorno alimentario
¿Cuáles son las señales de alarma conductuales, emocionales y físicas que pueden advertir a un centro escolar de que un alumno o alumna puede padecer un trastorno alimentario?
Medidas prácticas para ayudar a alumnos o alumnas con un trastorno alimentario
Ayuda práctica de los centros escolares en la supervisión de las comidas, la información a los padres, la gestión de los plazos y las excursiones escolares (alumnos con trastornos alimentarios).
Por qué tu centro educativo debe abordar la alimentación y la confianza corporal
Para los centros educativos. Qué son: trastornos alimentarios, alimentación desordenada, aceptación corporal. ¿Cuán comunes son? ¿En qué medida son peligrosos? ¿Por qué debería abordarlos tu centro escolar?
“I’m not a tortured soul. I just needed to eat!”
An adult’s story of progress using family support: ‘they magic-plated me’ at my request
Certified FBT therapists for eating-disorder treatment by video call (Family-Based Treatment)
No local eating disorder treatment for your son or daughter? Certified family (FBT) therapists for telemedicine/Zoom, wherever you are in the world.
Peri/menopause: why mothers of eating-disorder teens are swimming through molasses
Why mothers should get pointed towards perimenopause and menopause resources, when their child has an eating disorder
How much weight did your child lose? Weight suppression is critical in eating disorder diagnosis and treatment
Has your child’s weight stalled with the eating disorder? Has it dropped? What experts say on weight suppression and full weight recovery
Atypical anorexia diagnosis? Handle with care!
Atypical Anorexia: the most common type of anorexia, and at least as serious. Why the weight loss matters even if weight is ‘normal’ or high
Experts say, “Recovery weight must be individualized”
This page is all about useful quotes from experts. Goal weight for recovery should be individual, not one-size-fits-all
How to choose treatment for your child with an eating disorder?
Which treatments to choose for your child with an eating disorder? FBT, CBT, AFT? Hospital? How to check out good clinicians. Tips wherever you are in the world.
Exercise compulsion with an eating disorder — what can we learn from others?
What advice is available, what can parents do, when their child exercises excessively or compulsively — usually as part of an eating disorder?
Which eating-disorder treatments work?
Chapter 12. What are the principles of successful therapies? What should you look for when choosing a therapist or treatment centre? And what are the red flags for poor treatment? I tell you more about family therapy and other approaches, suggest how to work in partnership with clinicians and when it might be better to…
Be a fly on the wall: coaching your child to serve their own breakfast
This post shows a practical example of getting our children with an eating disorder to let go of rigid rules and behaviours. There's a lot of help from me on this topic in my book (Chapter 9), my Bitesize audio collection and my workshop on extinguishing fears. I hope this page will give you ideas…
How to calm your child when the eating disorder heightens anxiety and panic
Tips to bring calm to your child, deal with panic attacks and meltdowns, and help your child cope with the many challenges they face while they’re suffering from an eating disorder
A mother’s story: what got my girl with anorexia eating again
A mother’s story: what got my daughter to manage meals again
Autism and eating disorders: individualising treatment for your autistic child or teen
The combination of autism and an eating disorder. Signs of autism; tips from parents; links to more resources.
How to tell the school of your child’s eating-disorder needs: template for a 504 Plan
A template document to educate the school about your child’s eating disorder and make clear requests
Eating disorders in the United States
How to choose excellent eating disorder treatment in the USA There are some good guides to help you find good specialist treatment for someone with an eating disorder in the US, and how to navigate the insurance system. Here they are: Port in a Storm: A F.E.A.S.T. family guide to eating disorder treatment – How…