Helping you free your child of an eating disorder

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Help for parents of children and teens suffering from anorexia and other eating disorders

Welcome parents, welcome clinicians!

I help parents to support a son or daughter suffering from an eating disorder.

What you'll find here is in line with the most well-researched approach to treating children and adolescents, and possibly young adults and beyond.

This is family therapy for eating disorders (also called 'family-based treatment' (FBT/Maudsley) or 'anorexia-focused family therapy' (FT-AN).

Here is a 4mn audio from my Bitesize audio collection, outlining the treatment journey:

Parents, this site is for you. And clinicians, you'll find a wealth of resources here to help you deliver the best possible treatment.

How to treat your son or daughter's eating disorder

The practical advice here is gathered from parents and therapists all over the world and from personal experience. It uses all we know from the top researchers from in the field.

And because I've been there and I know you are going through the toughest of times, I serve as your kind and trusted companion, providing hope and confidence.

A book to hold your hand throughout the journey - anorexia and other eating disorders by Eva Musby

My book and other resources are recommended by parents and by professionals in the field. Whatever stage you're at, you will find how-tos to guide you along, based on research and on the practical experience of parents worldwide. The paperback is available worldwide from your local bookshop and any online bookshop. If you prefer an ebook, get it from Amazon or from me here, where you'll also find translations in other languages.

“I can't speak more highly of this book as it helped me to start re-feeding my son whilst waiting to access FBT. Eva is an inspirational person.”

 "As eating disorder clinicians we find Eva's resources invaluable. Eva's videos and articles are relevant and we share them often with parents, carers and clients."

"I know without a doubt that Eva's book has saved many of my patients from admission to hospital."

More reviews from parents | from professionals

If you're in a hurry for lots of fast learning and real-life tips, and if you want to listen on-the-go, I created Bitesize for you. It is a huge collection of audios, each just a few minutes each. It covers the many questions parents ask…. or ought to ask.

" I have listened while walking the dog and was able to use your information and put it into play . It worked and he began to eat."

More reviews here

You could start with the FAQs or read entire chapters of my book right here. Or look up my blog posts or browse through the top menu. Or use the SEARCH box at the bottom.

"Eva really, really GETS IT!"

YouTube videos to help parents of a son or daughter with anorexia/eating disorder

There's my super-popular "bungee-jump" analogy, and another for those struggling with how long to allow a meal to last. Some are in French, German, Spanish. You can find a whole compilation here, or go straight to YouTube and subscribe to my YouTube channel to get updates.

Free helpsheets

These Helpsheets are free, and your therapists may already have given you them! Get started with The Set-up for success and Refeeding tips. Further along the line, learn to Extinguish fears with exposure. And don't think — as happens far too often — that treatment finishes with weight recovery: read Steps to independence. Also available en français, auf Deutsch, en español.

Online workshops for parents of a son or daughter with an eating disorder / anorexia

In a hurry? Confused? Overwhelmed? Are you needing quick tips while your child is on a waiting list, or is my own diary too busy for you to get individual support? Check out my workshops, delivered very simply on Zoom. This is to offer you tips and coaching, as well as connection with others. Peer-to-peer support complements the work of the best eating-disorder therapists.

Guided meditations for parents of a child with anorexia/eating disorder

These guided meditations have helped many frazzled and exhausted parents to nourish their wellbeing. Learn to do self-compassion, step-by-step. Get yourself in a calm, loving, empowered frame of mind before a meal, or sink into a peaceful sleep.

Campaigning and advocacy for eating disorders world-wide

I'm linked up with worldwide communities of parents and with eating disorders experts and I try and do my bit to campaign and be an influencer for better services in various countries. Parents and clinicians in various countries have been translating my resources on this site and on YouTube.

I keep myself updated so that you can be effective right away

I'm Eva Musby. I began this journey over 10 years ago when my daughter was struck by anorexia nervosa age ten, got well, had a setback in her later teens, and recovered.

I have been reading, learning, consulting, in my passion to produce desperately needed, trustworthy resources for parents. You will absolutely NOT hear of just one way that happened to work for my family. I know of hundreds of parents' journeys: those who attend my workshops, those I coach by video call, and those who share know-how on forums.

The resources here will save you years of research and will prevent you going down blind alleys. I want to save you wasting time and struggling unnecessarily the way I did at first. Eating disorders need action fast. I'm here to help you find out what you can do that will make all the difference.

Get the resources you need right now

Help for parents of a child with an eating disorder

Lots lovingly produced on this website. Click on START HERE for some signposting, or jump to the very affordable resources I crafted for you.

  • Caitlin Moran anorexia help scripts

from parents reviews, professionals' reviews, and reviews posted on my resources.

Do join my mailing list and subscribe to my YouTube so you know when new resources come up. And parents, do tell your clinicians about this site, so other families get this help too.

I wish you and yours heaps of good things!
