Helping you free your child of an eating disorder

Upcoming events

Workshops and conferences

Below I try (and mostly fail) to keep an up-to-date mention of any upcoming events, such as conference talks or workshops I am giving for parents or professionals.

Coming up: 6 September 2024: a webinar for EDFA on Phase 2/independence. This is only accessible to Australian residents, who are members of EDFA. More accessible are my regular workshops on the topic.

Online workshops

My schedule and bookings for my own workshops by video call (Zoom): here.

If there is no event for you to attend in the near future

I don’t organise events myself, so if there isn’t an upcoming event, I suggest you have an individual session with me, as a parent or as a professional. Take a look also at Bitesize, as it’s another way to hear me give tips.

If you’d like to invite me for an event you are organising, do get in touch. Consider events by video call — they can work just fine.

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