Helping you free your child of an eating disorder

Coaching / Individual support for parents - eating disorder

Individual support or coaching for parents of a son/daughter with an eating disorder

I offer one-on-one sessions, parent-to-parent. You can book directly on my calendar below. I am sorry if you can’t find any availability. Sometimes I free up time at short notice, so it’s worth coming back to this page to check.

Get great help even when I have no availability

If you’re at the beginning of this journey, please don’t wait for me or for a clinic. It’s really useful to intervene early. Get your doctor on board, learn as fast as you can and get started.

I’d like to encourage you to join one of my workshops. It’s my way of supporting a lot more parents and sparing them the wait if my calendar for individual sessions is full. I cover a lot of practical stuff, you can ask questions, or if you prefer you can stay in the background. And you can pay as little as is right for you.

Indeed if you go ahead and have an individual session with me, we can get right into what is especially useful to you if you’ve already got the essentials from a workshop.

Again, I am sorry I have so little availability for one-on-ones — I am prioritizing whatever may help more people at a time, with workshops and producing more online resources.

There are also quite a few more ways for you to get support with little or no waiting, all explained here. In particular, you should find you can get yourself informed and empowered with my book and/or of my Bitesize audio collection.

So now, onto what the individual support I offer looks like:

Parents: get support or coaching from me to boost you as you deal with the eating disorder

  • Get practical information and weigh up options
  • Get coaching on feeding your son or daughter
  • Get coaching on compassionate communication (essential with your child…  and with anyone)
  • Get emotional support for yourself

(and please remember that I also do workshops on all this)

"After 5 years of helping my daughter battle anorexia, I found the compassion, understanding and practical coaching from you of more help than anything else on our journey. For anyone wondering if this might help, there is no doubt that it will."

Support for parents, wherever they are in the world

By video call (Zoom). Sometimes by email (or a mixture of video call and email)

"What we parents need is compassion and practical advice and you are a master on both."

Be more effective, right away: towards recovery from the eating disorder

With individual support (and/or my workshops) you benefit from the wealth of knowledge that could otherwise take you years to collect and make sense of.  And  at the same time you get the care you need for yourself.


Note that for the first call I recommend 1.5 hours

If you’re in the UK: £140 for a 1.5 hour call or £108 for an hour

Outside the UK, because Paypal charges me fees: From January 2024: £145 for a 1.5 hour call or £113 for an hour. This is UK £ pounds. Here’s a currency calculator.

* LINK: More information to help you decide about support/coaching from me *

Propose a time that suits you

On the calendar below (or here), please propose a time and jot a few words to tell me what support you’re needing. The sessions on the calendar are automatically 1.5 hour. I recommend this for a first call so you can leave with lots of good help. If we’ve already talked, go ahead with the calendar and let me know if you want just one hour.

If I don’t have any slots in my diary

I’m really sorry that you may not find a slot. I’ve set my calendar to display a rolling 6 weeks ahead and it gets filled up fast. As a new day comes up, it may or may not have an availability for a session (because I don’t do these sessions every day of every week). Having said that, make sure you scroll down on the calendar to see all the available times in a day. And check again as sometimes I get freed up at short notice.

Here’s a 9mn video to give you an overview and let you hear a couple of parents’ testimonials:

Feedback from parents of a son or daughter with an eating disorder

"I cannot recommend Eva enough, and I sense that my journey with her will rank among one of the most insightful and rewarding in my life."

"You have such a gift Eva – your way of communicating is very gentle and loving and also fun! I have always felt very much listened to and cared for.

And it has been wonderful to know there is someone out there who knows what it is like and who cares and has so much experience and knowledge and wisdom to share. The emotional support you have given me has been invaluable and I have learnt a huge amount about compassionate communication from you.

Having you supporting me has definitely made me feel stronger. You are often with us in those very stormy moments overlooking it all with your gentle presence.I am very grateful to you Eva. You have helped us so very much."

"Thank you so much for today.  You helped me so much.  Just being kind to my core self had a very uplifting energising effect. I was energised into doing some weeding and planting!!  So what you are doing works!"

"This is the longest happy period we have had in I don’t know how long and I just want to enjoy it.  Also she has not self-harmed for 4 days…this is amazing and I am totally linking it to your advice… I guess she was just desperate for me to hear her and not try and solve her problems."

"I know that we only talked for a very short time but I want you to know how important that was for me.  I was very low at that time but our conversation was enough for me to realise that I needed to talk with my family and let them in.  It has been a turning point."

"After our experiences with the professionals I had been put off seeking any help. After reading your book I felt you would be different – and you are! It felt extremely good talking to someone who’s been there, done that (and then wrote the book!). I loved your insight, experience and knowledge. But most of all I loved the fact you’re not judging us – but choosing to walk alongside us. Thank you!"

* LINK: More information to help you decide about support/coaching from me *

LEAVE A COMMENT (parents, use a nickname)